In Chapter 4, we will examine the most popular products carried by uniform officers. The MK-3 and MK-4 canisters offer an affordable, reliable and portable solution for uniform officers. The lightweight canisters are easily carried on the officer’s duty belt and provide a reliable tactical tool regardless of the officers size or skill level. This chapter will also introduce the Sabre® Crossfire technology and the advantages gained by this system.
NOTE: SABRE® also provides MK-2 and MK-3.5 duty belt models as well as several detective sizes. Follow the Chapter 4 guidelines for all of the above mentioned products. (MK-3 is the most popular size for patrol officers & MK-4 is most popular for corrections officers).
Superior to 1st and 2nd generation Aerosol Irritant Projectors, Crossfire introduces 3rd generation technology
which allows Sabre® MK-3 and MK-4 canisters to deploy continuously from any position.
is required with Crossfire, as target acquisition with an inverted canister may be difficult at first. Be sure to use caution in training.
Picture the face of an analog clock which displays the time through the use of fixed numbered dials and moving hands
The 3rd generation Crossfire will deploy continuously from any position or dial on a clock to maximize target acquisition when encountering aggressive subjects.
The MK-3 & MK-4 canisters are the most popular systems sold by Sabre® to law enforcement officers. They utilize a Flip Top safety to assist in preventing accidental discharge.
The design of the Flip Top safety provides only one way to access the actuator (trigger). The Flip Top lifts forward to allow access for the thumb. This helps the officer easily orientate the nozzle without the need to look at the canister. This provides the ability for the operator to remove and orient their aerosol projector without the need to take their eyes off of the subject or if low light conditions exist.
The trigger top mechanism contains a break away safety. This device must be removed before the canister can be deployed for the first time. It also allows agencies to visually monitor whether or not canisters have been previously deployed. After removing the safety tab, pull inward on the trigger mechanism with the index finger to deploy the spray. The trigger top is available on SABRE MK-2 size canisters. All trigger top model numbers begin with a “7”.
Most MK-3 and MK-4 holsters utilized by patrol officers are not quick draw holsters. They are primarily designed for retention. For this reason it is important that the officer remove the canister and have it in hand early in the event if they feel there may be a need to deploy their aerosol projector.
Students should be taught that if they feel in a situation that they might not be able to quickly draw the aerosol projector and use it before the assailant enters their reactionary gap, that this an indication that the aerosol projector is not the right weapon of choice at that time. Empty hand techniques or other appropriate quick draw weapons may be the better solution in these situations.
Although the delivery system of the MK-3 & MK-4 allows for effective deployment regardless of which grip is utilized, it is imperative that the operator grips the canister in a manner that allows them to defend themselves with empty hand tactics if required. For this reason it is suggested that students utilize a four finger grip using the thumb on the actuator. This grip allows the operator to punch if required and also allows the ability to grab while holding the canister. This grip also increases retention.
To ensure congruency, operators should utilize the same ready stance that they are taught during all other aspects of their officer safety training. Most ready stances consist of a bladed stance with the officer’s gun side to the rear and hands in an elevated ready position.
Movement is one of the most important aspects of application. Even a subject that has been sprayed or is shielding their eyes can very easily locate and attack an officer that remains still. It is imperative that the officer constantly moves and prevents being grabbed by the subject. Alternate weapon systems such as the baton can aid in this endeavor.
Under stress it is most common for an unprepared individual to retreat straight backwards from an attack. This is why many instructors teach tactical “L” movements. This is where the officer begins moving backwards, then after a few steps switches the movement to the side. This is an excellent strategy to utilize if an operator is suddenly advanced on while deploying their aerosol projector, however, any movement that will prevent the operator from being grabbed is acceptable.
Since surprising the resistant individual with the application of aerosol projector will dramatically increase the likelihood of striking the appropriate point of aim, having the aerosol projector in hand and hidden offers an extreme advantage. It is very easy to conceal the product while maintaining a natural looking stance. Students should be taught to ready their aerosol projector in a concealed grip anytime they feel the event may quickly escalate.
While deploying, operators should announce “Spray! Spray!” to warn other officers. It is recommended that short one (1) second bursts are utilized in a broken rhythm. This makes it more difficult for the subject to predict the stream pattern, prevents emptying the aerosol projector needlessly and limits cross contamination.
Instructors should be aware that under acute stress there is a high likelihood that the operator will press and hold the actuator for lengthier periods of time. Trainers should be prepared to accept this as a realistic response when observing high stress dynamic scenarios or when conducting a use of force analysis of a real event
In order to increase the effectiveness of application, Sabre® advises operators who are justified in applying an aerosol projector not to warn the subject prior to deployment. Warning the subject allows them to take physical measures to defeat proper application and mentally prepare for exposure.
Operators should give loud repetitive commands once the OC aerosol projector has been deployed and continue until the subject is restrained. Since there is a potential for a contaminated subject to inwardly focus on the pain from contamination, they may experience ‘auditory exclusion’ as a cognitive reaction to the pain. Auditory exclusion is described as the inability for an individual to hear. Using loud, repetitive commands increases the probability that the subject will eventually hear the commands as auditory exclusion subsides. It also ensures that the subject is clear on what direction is given by the officer. This will support the officer in showing that the subject was continuing to be resistant by not following orders. It will be further supported by potential witnesses who can give evidence that the subject was refusing to comply with orders given by the officer.
Once the subject has been physically or mechanically restrained, the operator should provide reassurance to the subject that the effects are safe and temporary. They should advise that continued co-operation from the subject will assist in speeding up the decontamination process.
Most instructors emphasize utilizing the non-dominant hand for deploying the aerosol projector. This is to ensure easy access to alternate weapon systems that require the dominant hand. Sabre® agrees with this approach as it allows for the aerosol projector to be utilized in support of other weapon systems. However, Instructors must appreciate that under acute stress, if the operator only draws their aerosol projector it is likely they will deploy it from their dominant hand. Again, trainers should be prepared to accept this as a realistic response when observing high stress dynamic scenarios or when conducting a use of force analysis of a real event. It is commonly observed that the operator will switch hands if another weapon system is needed.
Sabre® inert training canisters are produced in both generation 2 and generation 3 crossfire technology. Trainers should ensure that they utilize the same generation of inert training canisters as the students will be issued. This ensures the capabilities of the canister they train with will be congruent with the one they carry on duty.
Instructors should ensure that appropriate eye protection is worn by students during training with inert products. This is to reduce the possibility of injury from accidentally being sprayed at too close of a range.
All Sabre® Inert formulations are compatible for use with the Shocknife®. The Shocknife® should not be used in any drills where live contamination occurs with Sabre® DPS stream formulation.
Grip and Stance - Demonstrate the proper grip and stance. Punching shields can be used to show the benefit of holding the canister properly.
Stand and Spray - Stand approximately 10 feet (3 meters) away from your partner and spray once across the eyes in a single half second burst. This drill is designed to assist in teaching the proper range of the products delivery system and introduces the student to targeting the appropriate point of aim.
Stand and Spray Against Evasive Subject
Stand approximately 10 feet (3 meters) away from your
partner. When the instructor says go you will try to spray your partner in the eyes with a half second burst. The
attacker will duck and shield eyes. This will force the student to use the canister in a canted or inverted
position. Keep in mind only Sabre® Crossfire will fire from any position.
Move and Spray Against an Attacking Subject
Stand approximately 10 feet (3 meters) away from
your partner. When the attacker is ready, they will move towards the student in an attack posture. The student will
move to avoid the attack while spraying the attacker across the eyes in single half second bursts. As soon as the
attacker breaches the reactionary gap, the officer should move to empty hand control tactics.'
Move and Spray Against an Advancing Evasive Subject
Stand approximately 10 feet (3 meters) away from your partner. When the attacker is ready, they will move towards the student trying to duck and shield their eyes as they advance. The student will move to avoid the attack while spraying the attacker across the eyes in single half second bursts. As soon as the attacker breaches the reactionary gap, the officer should move to empty hand control tactics.
Stand approximately 15 feet (5 meters) away from your partner. When the attacker is ready, they will turn and run away from the student. Suddenly they will turn and adopt a fighting posture. The student will quick draw their training baton, then draw their spray in the opposite hand. The student will spray the attacker from a distance, move and give commands when appropriate. Sabre® encourages the use of the Blue Baton™ expandable training baton, as it allows for safe drawing and expansion.
This drill can be done with two or more attackers. Stand approximately 15 feet (5 meters) away from your partners.
When the attackers are ready, they will turn and run away from the student. The student will draw their pepper spray while running. Suddenly they will turn and advance on the student together. The student should spray the closest attacker and move on angles to inhibit the movement of the other attacker(s). Then spray when they are in range. This drill shows the benefit of using OC aerosol projectors on multiple assailants and the importance of constantly moving.
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